Day #8

A Powerful Message God Places Before Us.
…Life Blessed in Abundance

Two more families moved in to the community tonight.  One was a single hard working mom who is raising her two year old child.  She makes about $200 a month as a maid in the Punta Cana resorts.  Her rent was about $125 for a 6 ft x 30 ft room. Tears beyond joy.  Her child has the chance for a much better life tonight because of you and our mission team.

The stories are endless.  On Monday night we had a meeting with all the members in our second community.  In a moment of God’s grace, the Spanish was flowing pretty well from my lips.  I shared with them that “the way to a better life is here not because of the new home but because their home, and all the homes in this community, are centered on God’s house.  If they center their lives, and their families, and their homes around God, their life will be blessed in abundance.”  I was shocked at the fluidity of the Spanish, and even more amazed at the powerful message God placed before me/us/them tonight.  It’s true for them…it’s true for us.

More highlights of the day…..

  • ….watching the Saint Joe’s Academy girls leading Bible School for the kids….from crafts to songs…their love for the Lord was inspiring. They also realized how hard it is to teach talkative students!!
  • …Seeing one of the new families in the community send their three children outside to help us today.  They spent hours cleaning the ditches of every scrap of garbage.
  • …Watching our team take a tired playground and rebuild it like new for the kids…within minutes it was back in full use.
  • …Seeing Pedro…sixteen year old baseball prospect come home for a few days and offering to help us.  He spent the day cleaning the roof of the school and medical center.

  • …Hearing how our mobile medical team went into one of the poorest regions of the area and took care of 225 people in one day
    .  Shocking the need.  Amazing their efforts.

The stories could go on….more photos uploaded on the Mission Possible Facebook today. I took one picture today of a new family with three children.  I am connecting them to be pen pals with my niece and nephew.

The letter is short tonight because I spent the past couple of hours on the phone and with emails to take care of some of the families from Saint Ambrose who were affected by the tornado that touched down tonight in Brunswick.  Please pray for them.  Our parish is here to help, and comfort, and support all in their times of need.

It’s hot down here, but watching the mom with her child have a decent place to live – along with God’s grace – bearable and possible.

Prayers for you.
Prayers for all who experience loss and devastation in Brunswick.
Prayers for all single moms who work tirelessly to take care of their children.

God bless